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Bulk electronic reminders
Electronic sending of reminders
Automatically sending reminders in PDF format instantly by email is a fast, secure and environmentally friendly way to deliver reminders.
Bulk electronic reminders
Electronic sending of reminders
Automatically sending reminders in PDF format instantly by email is a fast, secure and environmentally friendly way to deliver reminders.
The functionality enables electronic sending of generated reminders in PDF format, together with attachments. The attachment may contain an electronic document of the invoices themselves contained in the items of the reminder, as well as electronic documents attached to the header of the reminder (e.g. general business conditions, invoice form, service/assembly sheet, detailed breakdown of invoiced services, price offer, etc.). The possibility of invoicing also by remote connection. PDF documents can be archived on the server or directly in the Asseco SPIN ERP system. If necessary, the document can be re-sent to the customer several times without additional costs.
What you get ?
Automation of the reminder process. Saving paper, toner, printer wear and tear. Without the need to use letter envelopes, deliver items to the post office and pay postage with the certainty of delivery of a reminder to the customer.
Saving time
Increasing productivity
Cost savings
Paper less